Sunday, March 8, 2009

Training Commencing Week 7

The 2nd language proficiency interview went well along with my first lesson on nutrition in the schools. I taught a group of 6th graders. In the beginning of the lesson I was hesitant and uncertain trying to speak commands (for group work) in Spanish, but by the end, I was told by my peers that I really began to “loosen-up” and have fun, as a Profesor (teacher). My language facilitator and the three other PC trainees observed the lesson.

Most of this upcoming week, all the PC trainees will be in Managua, and from Tuesday thru Friday in the department of Chinandega for HIV-AIDS week, Chinandega has the second highest rate of HIV behind the most populated department of Managua. Therefore, Chinandega, which is north of Managua, and borders Honduras with a Pacific coast line, receives a lot of funding from NGOs and the U.S. government and the world development communities that are trying to address the global issue of HIV/AIDS.

Some of the activities that are on tap for the week include observing a Billiards tournament that has the sole purpose of raising awareness of condom use for men, in groups of 3 giving a lesson to secondary school students on HIV/AIDS, and in groups of 5 giving a lesson on HIV/AIDS to firefighters or naval base men, in the Pacific port city of Corinto, Chinandega.

Also, in less than two weeks, PC trainees will receive their site assignments where they will spend their two years serving. There are only 4 weeks of training remaining and it is as a current PC volunteer told me, it is a “sprint to the finish” in the second half of training to prepare as much as possible for the two years after!


  1. I'm really looking forward to see where are you going to be... so, like you said, try to prepare, who knows if you are going to live with a letrine for two years, not that I wish you... I can't imagine that... but yeah, like the old saying from the boyscouts. always be ready!.

  2. Sounds like you are getting better in your spanish presentations. We do this for kids in 4th gr. at our elementary schools, but in English. Keep up the positive attitude about where you will be placed for your 2 yr. assignment.
