Friday, May 22, 2009

Week 5

I taught my first class in the primary (elementary) school to 5th graders on diarrhea. It went well and I think the students understood everything. It’s a simpler topic so that helps. I noticed an interesting difference between the public elementary school in San Isidro and the private evangelical school. I will be delivering my first class at the private school on the same topic of diarrhea this coming Tuesday. But as I did with the public elementary school I observed the class and the professor before I gave a class to get a feeling for the conditions of the classrooms and the behavior of the students. It was interesting to see that the students in 6th grade in the private school were a lot more disciplined and well-behaved than the students in 5th grade in the public school. This could be attributed to the slight age difference of one year, but I highly doubt it. I will know for sure, when I start teaching the same grade level at both schools.

I don’t want to generalize but perhaps this trend of better disciplined, more serious students in the private, Christian schools versus the public schools is something to take not of. I am not a teacher but it would be interesting to hear the opinions of teachers in the United States to see if they think there is a difference in discipline between private/parochial and public school students.

My next class at the public elementary school will be next Thursday to a different group of 5th graders. I talked to the professor to see what topic she would like me to deliver on and she told me HIV/AIDS. I asked her if she was sure and she seemed quite determined that her 5th grades learn about Sexually Transmitted Diseases especially HIV. So, I will be diving into this topic and preparing for it in the coming days.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Nick! Your question about public vs. private school discipline here in the U.S. caught my eye. In Illinois (I've lived in northern and southern Illinois) it is true that private schools have fewer discipline problems. In Illinois, if a student in a private school is a discipline problem, he/she is kicked out of the school. The public schools do not have the same solution, do to the state laws. I wonder if that is the case in Nicaragua, too.
